Lifestyle changes for 2016 – How shopping, eating will change in 2016

Experts suggest that it takes around 28 days to either form a new habit or break an old one. Rather than making a string of limited resolutions that you will tend to forget by the month of February, this New Year, when you bid goodbye to 2015, you can consider jotting down a list of habits that you can make or break. Focus on taking care of them each month. However, the question is whether a flip of the calendar can change the diet and lifestyle habits of a regular American. Although this has always been a promise behind that part of the year when everybody resolves, very few can stick to the promises made.

If you’re someone who has tried his or her best to stick to your heartfelt resolutions, or at least tried to turn your life around, you should know about the bigger picture. A consumer market research group thinks that 2016 is finally going to be different. It’s through a combination of an improving global economy, personal growth and the desire to leave a better legacy for new generations. Here are some ‘game changers’ with respect to consumer behavior.

How will shopping and lifestyle change in 2016?

With the New Year, consumers will strive to spend more time with friends and family, away from office, and eat healthier lunches, in addition to adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle in order to leave a sustainable impact on the future generations.

  • Shopping: In 2016, when consumers will want instant gratification while shopping, retailers will be ready to do the bidding of the consumers. You will be surprised to know that MasterCard, in alliance with Conde Nast, will allow online consumers to purchase items they see in a magazine ad or evenitems of clothing that are worn in a movie.
  • Diets: In 2016, we’ll see more and more people changing the way they consume foods. Consumers will wake up to the fact that a better diet leads to a healthier lifestyle. This will be the year of food sensitivity and experts also predict that consumers will be more willing to pay more for food items that have specific benefits like additional nutrients.
  • Lifestyle: Consumers will dig deeper and pay more for luxury goods, both for jewelry, clothing and even some downscale brands. People will be more concerned about looking good and staying good. Companies that produce items and devices for staying young and reducing signs of aging like Angel Lift will become even more popular.
  • Sustainability: Global consumers will be figuring out how to become eco-warriors, and majority of the brands will try their best to reduce their carbon imprints on the environment.
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Hence, before stepping into 2016, make sure you are aware of the different lifestyle, fashion and diet trends that will dominate the New Year.