A classic comforting, warm, and boldly spiced turmeric milk recipe with a hint of sweetness.

If you’ve never heard of turmeric milk, you’re in for a treat. Turmeric milk is my absolute favorite night time drink other than hot tea. This drink is not only completely comforting, relaxing, and soothing, but it’s also extremely nutritious.

Turmeric contains an array of nutrients, especially antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds which make this a win-win in my book. Another benefit is that it simply tastes delicious! Turmeric has a warm, slightly spicy, bold, and earthy flavor, and when mixed with a hint of sweetness it makes it a great warming drink to enjoy at night.

What Is Turmeric Milk?

Most of us here in the Western culture (U.S.) have some story of a mother, parent, grandmother, etc. who have told us to drink warm milk before bedtime because it’ll help us sleep. The theory behind that originated due to the tryptophan content in milk (the same theory behind turkey making you sleepy), which has been proven false.

Instead, the sleepy effect is simply because we eat way too much and our energy rushes to our digestive tracts to digest that load of food and not because of the amino acid tryptophan.

There’s little research that supports the theory that warm milk helps you sleep (in fact this one says different), besides that warm foods and drinks are generally comforting. Anything warm in the evening hours provides soothing effects on our digestion and may instantaneously relaxes us.

Most traditional recipes will use whole cow’s milk, but you can substitute with almond milk since it’s a little more tasty, easier to froth, and a better option for those suffering from digestive issues or intolerances to dairy.

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Traditionally, turmeric milk comes from Ayurvedic practices and medicine in Indian cultures and is nothing new to other Eastern cultures. In fact, it’s been known as a “healing spice” and used to help anything from sore throats, colds, the flu, and stomachaches to wound healing and treatment of abrasions and skin issues (due to it’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties). Check out our in-depth article on the nutritional value of turmeric here, and because it boasts so many benefits, it’s a spice that’s always in the NS pantry.

The Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk

Turmeric milk is not only high in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and healthy fats (especially when using coconut oil) but is also high in manganese and iron thanks to the turmeric. Traditional recipes include peppercorns that actually enhance the absorption of curcumin (the main component found in turmeric). The ingredients in this recipe actually work in a synergistic fashion and help enhance the nutritional value of each other, which is another reason why I love this recipe.

I also love using turmeric in all kinds of dishes such as curries, One Bowl Skillet MealSpicy Coconut Curry with Sweet Jasmine RiceCurry Cauliflower Soup, dressings, and sauces. I’ll even add a dash in my Stripped Green Smoothie for added health benefits. All of these recipes are incredibly delicious and embrace the flavor and health benefits of turmeric, without it being too bold or unpleasant. However, if you find the taste of turmeric too overpowering in turmeric milk, you can start out by adding more honey or maple syrup to sweeten and gradually decrease the amount over time.

When To Drink Turmeric Milk

Whenever you like!

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My favorite time to incorporate turmeric milk into my day is when I’m unwinding for the day. I’ll put on some relaxing music, cozy slippers, and simmer a pot of this on the stove. Then I’ll let all the flavor of turmeric, peppercorns, cinnamon, ginger, and coconut milk or almond milk marry beautifully together.

Actually, the longer you simmer this over low-medium heat, the stronger and more intense the flavor is, which I prefer. Even if you’re on the go and want to enjoy turmeric milk, you can still reap the benefits by just adding about 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric, a dash of cinnamon, and sea salt into some almond milk, shake it up and go! However, I promise the experience of making this over the stove and enjoying it warm is the one to be experienced first.



The compound in turmeric that gives it its yellow hue is called curcumin, and this compound carries high levels of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Powerful antioxidants like this can reduce the risk of diseases, including cancer.


One of turmeric’s most well-known and studied properties is its effects on inflammation. It’s been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which could help reduce the risk of many chronic diseases—and these properties also come from the curcumin compound.


Manganese, a mineral that also offers anti-inflammatory benefits, will also help to protect your bones and fight off osteoporosis. It also helps in the formation of connective tissue and metabolization of fat and carbs.