Exploring the Sexual Time Frame of a Dating Relationship

The ultimate focal point and the coveted goal of a dating relationship is the point where sex can take place without regrets or remorse for the idealistic encounter. Inevitably, when you take part in the dating world, you will come to the question of just how soon you should let things progress to a more intimate level. This is, of course, just a mild and polite way of saying you will need to determine when the time is right to engage in sex. This might be a rather simple thing to figure out for some people, but it can actually be a bit tricky in certain ways.

There is no question that there are smooth-talking guys out there that can jump right into a physical relationship of intimate sex without a second thought. However, for those types of guys an essay like this is of no importance. But for those who are a little self-conscious, taking a more cautious approach is everything, which takes a measure of meditating and thinking things out.

First of all, even if the age of consent is well behind you and you’re heading into the first signs of middle age, there’s still an appropriate time, that which is right and that which is wrong to move forward sexually. It really doesn’t make any difference how open-minded and enthralled with a 21st century enlightenment people think they are, men still have a particular way of looking at a woman who will leap into bed with them, with no misgivings about it. If this is a picture of you, don’t be too surprised if certain guys don’t keep up their contact with you. Allowing yourself to be used in this way is not a good move, the likelihood is that you’re giving in much too soon and these guys are simply taking advantage of a spur-of-the-moment fling.

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The First Date Rule comes to the forefront at this point: consenting to sex on the first date is the ultimate no-no. There is only one way that something like this might be acceptable and most likely not damaging to a blossoming relationship and your reputation is if the man is a long-time acquaintance and your spur-of-the-moment encounter can be a transformation of friendship into a well-seasoned romance.

Then there is the time when you might hope that the second date is a more suitable time frame to have a first-time sex experience. This is when you should stop and take note of the Second Date Rule: jumping into bed on the second date is also too soon. Remember that this is exceptionally true when you’re just getting to know someone. The time span of two dates is really not enough to get to know someone very well.

In the general sense, most people seem to stick to the Third Date Rule, which instructs that it may still be a bit too soon if you really want to turn this relationship into a fabulous experience. So if you can hold out for at least this long, then it is possible that you can build something very special and long-lasting.

Too many people have the tendency to go at things totally backward in relationships. For instance, they meet at a party or a bar or wherever, go through a period of deep conversation while drinking, and then they head for his place or hers and end up in bed. A good portion of the time they don’t even get to know the last names of each other. Besides that, these kinds of encounters typically turn out to be one night stands, which never work out to be promising when it comes to building a genuine relationship.

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If a rewarding relationship is what you are looking for, let it have some time to develop before you give into your hormonal desires. Let the connection between the two of you grow and mature by taking the time to get to know each other. This will build a bonding link between the two of you that will keep you together for a long-lasting period. No, it doesn’t take years to build that bond, but at least give it time to feel totally right in every way. That way there’s a greater chance for a successful relationship to blossom.