Inner Beauty

You often hear, “what you feel on the inside translates to the outside.” The beauty that flows throughout you relates to how you carry yourself. If you are feeling fabulous, it shows through your smile and carries through to your posture.

I never used to wear makeup before, but I do now. When I was going through chemotherapy and radiation, I felt terrible. One day, a few of us ladies went to a makeup session given by the local hospital; the American Cancer Society furnished the makeup for cancer patients. I felt terrible, but just putting on a little bit of makeup made me feel so much better about myself. The other women and I shared stories and laughter, and it was truly an uplifting experience. It would have been so much easier to just pull the covers over my head and lay in bed, but I forced myself to go, and I’m so glad I did.

Beauty is what you feel; sure we can enhance our beauty by expressing ourselves through different styles or by simply putting on a favorite fragrance. Ultimately what you feel on the inside will shine through on the outside. Beauty lies in all shapes, sizes, colors and nationalities. There is not one standard for beauty. Beauty is a state of being; it is how you feel inside portraying on the outside. The color of your skin is your beauty, the size that you are is your beauty and the way you carry yourself is your beauty.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money to be beautiful; you are enhancing the beauty that you already have. You have to be comfortable with who you are as a person and that beauty will shine through.

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Beauty on the inside goes hand in hand with the beauty you reflect on the outside. If you feel kind of blah, you can put makeup on and wear a nice outfit and it will make you feel better because you look better. Putting on your favorite shoes or adding the perfect accessories to your outfit will put a big smile on your face. You are enhancing the beauty that you already possess.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. There is beauty everywhere and in everyone, it is up to you to see it. As a society who is obsessed with beauty we tend to stray away from natural beauty. We sometimes tend to examine ourselves so thoroughly that our list of flaws continues to grow. They are not flaws; it is the body that God gave us and he made all of us different. Appreciate the body you are given, nourish it, keep it fit and it will last a long time. Some will run out and have an operation to fix something while others are fine with the same thing. It is a personal choice and it all reflects on how we feel about ourselves. There is no right or wrong, it is about what makes you happy.